Brügger & Thomet AG is a Swiss defence supplier specializing in the design and manufacturing of firearms and tactical components. B&T’s primary area of expertise is the integration of cutting-edge engineering and knowledge of weapons into workable solutions for specialised military and law enforcement customers.


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No matter what your present weapon system is, B&T can immediately begin developing mounts or other attachments because it has more than 300 distinct types of rifles in its reference collection.

Modern engineering capabilities allow B&T to design and produce the best tactical alternatives for weapon systems. Suppressors were the first item B&T produced after starting in 1991. Optical sight mounts for tactical weapons quickly developed as a second product line since users of suppressors frequently required specialised optical sights on their weapons.

To go along with this, B&T unveiled a range of tactical rail handguards (TRH), expanding the versatility of contemporary rifles and enabling them to accommodate brass catchers, lighting systems, night vision devices, laser sights and more.

Additionally, a lot of customers would turn to us for acceptable weapon platforms that weren’t provided by other manufacturers. B&T began manufacturing its own range of full-featured guns in the summer of 2004.

Submachine gun MP9 9mm
sniper rifle APR308/338
40mm grenade launcher GL06 with submachine gun APC9
Police weapon APC556/APC300
Sporting rifle APC223
Veterinarian pistol VP9.
urban sniper rifle SPR300

Despite how diverse they are, all of these weapons have one thing in common: they are actually modular and offer a variety of interfaces to take any attachments your missions may call for.